quotations about ghosts

Ghosts quote

I can call spirits from the vasty deep.
Why, so can I, or so can any man;
But will they come when you do call for them?


Henry IV, Part I

Tags: William Shakespeare

Ghosts are a metaphor for memory and remembrance and metaphorically connect our world to the world we cannot know about.


interview, June 2002

Tags: Leslie What

Ghosts crowd the young child's fragile eggshell mind.


An American Prayer

Tags: Jim Morrison

Do you really want to know where we come from?... In every century, in every country, they'll call us something different. They'll say we're ghosts, angels, demons, elemental spirits, and giving us a name doesn't help anybody. When did a name change what someone is?


The Replacement

In culture after culture, people believe that the soul lives on after death, that rituals can change the physical world and divine the truth, and that illness and misfortune are caused and alleviated by spirits, ghosts, saints ... and gods.


How the Mind Works

Tags: Steven Pinker

Ghosts have a way of misleading you; they can make your thoughts as heavy as branches after a storm.


Infinite Days

Whenever I take up a newspaper, I seem to see Ghosts gliding between the lines. There must be Ghosts all the country over, as thick as the sand of the sea.... We are, one and all, so pitifully afraid of the light.



Tags: Henrik Ibsen

Ghosts are far from the chill, remote beings we think they are. They can be intensely passionate -- it is because they lived so passionately in life that they hang around after death. Intense fear, love, hate -- the traumas of war, the transcendence of mystical prayer -- these passions are what make ghosts so interesting.


The Secret Lives of Ghosts

You might think of a haunting as a loop of video or audio tape playing itself over and over for you to watch. Trying to interact with it would be akin to trying to interact with a show on your TV: sure, you can turn it off or change the channel, but I wouldn't expect the actors to suddenly stop and talk to you directly.



Tags: Loyd Auerbach

In Eastern culture, people see ghosts, people talk about ghosts ... it's just accepted. And in Western culture it's just not.


Yareah Magazine

Tags: Jessica Alba

There are a few of the open-air spirits; the more domestic of their tribe gather within-doors, plentiful as swallows under southern eaves.


The Celtic Twilight

Tags: William Butler Yeats

With all the ghost tales told, records kept and books written about ghosts, there seems to be no order as to kinds and varieties of ghosts. No classification of ghosts has been given. No information of a science of ghosts is at hand, that if one sees a ghost he might know what kind of a ghost it is. One may learn to know and be unafraid of ghosts as of his shadows without giving them too much attention or being unduly influenced by them.


"Ghosts", The Word, July-September 1913

Even a ghost is like a solid place against which your gaze clangs and heaves; but there, in that black pelt of nothingness, your fiercest look somehow merely dissolves: just as a madman, when he's on a roll, raves and stamps around in the manic dark only to break himself on the padded wall.


The Happiness of This World

The more enlightened our houses are, the more their walls ooze ghosts.


The Literature Machine

Tags: Italo Calvino

For who can wonder that man should feel a vague belief in tales of disembodied spirits wandering through those places which they once dearly affected, when he himself, scarcely less separated from his old world than they, is for ever lingering upon past emotions and bygone times, and hovering, the ghost of his former self, about the places and people that warmed his heart of old?


Master Humphrey's Clock

Tags: Charles Dickens

Some people go to mediums to bring them into contact with the spirit world, but most go to bartenders.


20,000 Quips & Quotes

Ghosts frequent certain localities more than they do others. Generally, the accounts of ghosts are fewer in the city than in the country, where the dwellers are few and far between. In the country districts the mind turns more readily to thoughts of nature sprites and elves and fairies, and re-tells tales of them, and keeps alive ghosts that are born of man. In the city, the rush of business and pleasure holds men's thought. Men have no time for ghosts. Lombard Street's and Wall Street's ghosts do not, as such, attract man's thought. Yet there ghosts influence and make their presence felt, as surely as do the ghosts of a hamlet, nestling on the side of a mountain near a dark forest, and the heaths at the border of a bog.


"Ghosts", The Word, July-September 1913

I don't believe that ghosts are "spirits of the dead" because I don't believe in death. In the multiverse, once you're possible, you exist. And once you exist, you exist forever one way or another. Besides, death is the absence of life, and the ghosts I've met are very much alive. What we call ghosts are lifeforms just as you and I are.


Footsteps in the Attic

Tags: Paul F. Eno

Many have tried to explain what ghosts are, and there are numerous theories -- all unproven. Nevertheless, these strange stories have forged our faith and our fears, many becoming the tales we tell each other on moonlit nights around a campfire.


Ghosts: An Investigation Into a True Canadian Haunting

Psychoanalysis has taught that the dead -- a dead parent, for example -- can be more alive for us, more powerful, more scary, than the living. It is the question of ghosts.


New York Times Magazine, Jan. 23, 1994

Tags: Jacques Derrida