quotations about life

Life is merely a fracas on an unmapped terrain.


A Short History of Decay

Tags: Emile Cioran

That's what life is, just one learning experience after another, and when you're through with all the learning experiences you graduate and what you get for a diploma is, you die.



If life is not a continual denial of the past, then it is nothing.


The Reasonable Life

Tags: Arnold Bennett

The life you think you should want ... is always the life that looks safest.


Another Country

Tags: James Baldwin

Life is wide, limitless. There is no border, no frontier.


Striking Thoughts: Bruce Lee's Wisdom for Daily Living

Life is a foreign language; all men mispronounce it.


Thunder on the Left

Tags: Christopher Morley

Our life is nothing, it is true, but our life is divine. A breath of nature annihilates us, but we surpass nature in penetrating far beyond her vast phantasmagoria to the changeless and the eternal.


Journal Intime

Tags: Henri-Frederic Amiel

Life is the wave's deep whisper on the shore
Of a great sea beyond.


"The Roman Sentinel"

Tags: Henry Abbey

I shall not say, our life is all in vain,
For peace may cheer the desolated hearth;
But well I know that, on this weary earth,
Round each joy-island is a sea of pain.


"While the Days Go By"

Tags: Henry Abbey

One brief journey betwixt heaven and earth,
Then, alas! we are the same old dust of ten thousand ages.


"The Old Dust"

Tags: Li Bai

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.


letter to his son Eduard, Feb. 5, 1930

Tags: Albert Einstein

When life is cheap death is rich.


One Life at a Time, Please

Tags: Edward Abbey

Life is a journey we are always travelling; but, unlike most others, seldom care we to reach the end.



If life is a death sentence, then we all have plenty of time to kill.


"Review: Life Is a Death Sentence", Exclaim, June 10, 2016

The only remedy against the malady of life is life itself. The bane is its own antidote.


The Glory of Clementina

So our lives glide on: the river ends we don't know where, and the sea begins, and then there is no more jumping ashore.


Felix Holt

Life changes fast. Life changes in the instant. You sit down to dinner and life as you know it ends.


The Year of Magical Thinking

Tags: Joan Didion

Life is a muddle. It seems a brilliant muddle, if you are an optimist; a dull one, if you aren't; but in neither case can you deny that it is the muddlers who keep it going.


The Prince of Minor Writers: The Selected Essays of Max Beerbohm

Tags: Max Beerbohm

When life is lived as a living-and-dying in the primordial, nonsubstantial nothingness, one realizes that life is bottomlessly life and death is bottomlessly death. Life does not change into death, and death does not take away life.


Zen and the Modern World

Tags: Masao Abe

If we look at life in its various stages, has it been worth living at each period? It is rarely doubted as regards the youth. Life is to them a joyous thing--all is fresh and new; and life to their minds seems plastic and pliable; they have the experiment of living their life before them. Putting aside the fact that men do not start in the world with the desire for, or properly trained to make the "best of this life," we will consider if "life lived as it is" by the majority, life as realized in ordinary life, is worth living. And the reply must be, "Yes." Man has a body fitted and adapted for the purposes of life; and although, because of his own disobedience or the faults of his predecessors, he may not enjoy good health, yet the majority have a bodily structure that, if carefully attended to, will enable them successfully to do their work and feel it is a privilege to live, and be able to earn sufficient to live upon; and I think it must be admitted that to the majority, by the use of their brains, by industry, and by thrift, there is the possibility of securing sufficient to supply all with the ways and means of life. Wealth, no doubt, is power; it gives great influence, secures its possessor from many annoyances, gives facilities for attempting and effecting what others might dream of in vain; but it is a mistake to think that "life is more worth living" to the rich man than to the poor. Wealth can only belong to the few, and it would be impossible to imagine that the Creator had done His work so badly that only the "idle rich" were able to enjoy this life. The morning can find you without anxiety; the day may find you equal to the fulfilment of your duties; you may do your work willingly and cheerfully; you may retain the bright cloudlessness of your early days--"the child's heart within the man's"--and, day by day, enjoy life, and retire to rest without its bringing to you sleeplessness or morbid terrors, if you be a machanic, perhaps more so than if you were a Rothschild. Each and every condition of life has its duties and anxieties, its troubles and drawbacks, as well as its pleasures. I have implicit faith in the Creator's law of compensation. My belief is, that God wills, and has so arranged that in all ranks of life, let the difference of condition or capability be what it may, each one has it within him to make his life beautiful and happy. To every living being life is preferable to death; life to each and every one of us "is worth living."


"Is Life Worth Living?", Platt's Essays