quotations about marriage

Probably the institution of marriage had its origin in love of property. Both men and women were united in this--that whatever they loved best, they wished to possess. The usual theory holds that the communal system would not permit the gratification of this desire at the expense of communal rights, and that therefore men were driven to gratify their passion by purchasing or by capturing women from neighboring and hostile tribes.


Historical Essays

Tags: Henry Adams

No marriage is "too dead" for the Lord to restore.


Marriage: From Surviving to Thriving

Tags: Charles R. Swindoll

Marriage is one thing, and love is another... You need to have a solid canvas; nobody stops you to weave the arabesques.



Tags: André Maurois

Marriage is also a social statement, preeminently describing and defining a person's relationship and place in society. Marital status, along with what we do for a living, is often one of the first pieces of information we give to others about ourselves. It's so important, in fact, that most married people wear a symbol of their marriage on their hand.


Why Marriage Matters

Tags: Evan Wolfson

Marriage is a language of love, equality, and inclusion.


Why Marriage Matters

Tags: Evan Wolfson

How you end something as profound and important as a marriage is a reflection of how you live your life--financially, emotionally, and spiritually.


The Road to Wealth

Tags: Suze Orman

A summer breeze can be very refreshing; but if we try to put it in a tin can so we can have it entirely to ourselves, the breeze will die. Our beloved is the same. He is like a breeze, a cloud, a flower. If you imprison him in a tin can, he will die. Yet many people do just that. They rob their loved one of his liberty, until he can no longer be himself. They live to satisfy themselves and use their loved one to help them fulfill that. That is not loving; it is destroying.


Teachings on Love

Tags: Thich Nhat Hanh

The secret to a long and healthy marriage is to work at it and don't try and change each other.


interview with James Marshall, September 16, 2007

Tags: Jack LaLanne

Let us now set forth one of the fundamental truths about marriage: the wife is in charge.


Woman's Day, September 1, 2009

Tags: Bill Cosby

Husband and wife are like the two equal parts of a soybean. If the two parts are put under the earth separately, they will not grow. The soybean will grow only when the parts are covered by the skin. Marriage is the skin which covers each of them and makes them one.


attributed, Sunbeams: A Book of Quotations

Tags: Baba Hari Dass

Getting married is like permanently grafting your hand to the cookie jar. No matter how sweet those cookies may taste, you can't help but wonder what would have happened if you'd chosen some other dessert--brownies, for instance, or frozen yogurt ... or maybe chocolate strudel.


Marriage Quotes and Quibbles

Few marry their first loves; fewer ought to. The love of the very young is like the love of children for sweetmeats: they usually outgrow it.


Intuitions and Summaries of Thought

Tags: Christian Nestell Bovee

Upon marrying, we need most to pray for one of two things in our partners--the love that blinds, or the good-nature that excuses.


Intuitions and Summaries of Thought

Tags: Christian Nestell Bovee

Not everyone believes that marriage transforms miserable and immature single people into paragons of maturity and bliss.


Singled Out

Tags: Bella DePaulo

Nature admits of no permanence in the relation between man and woman.... It is only man's egoism that wants to keep woman like some buried treasure. All endeavors to introduce permanence in love, the most changeable thing in this changeable human existence, have gone shipwreck in spite of religious ceremonies, vows, and legalities.


Venus in Furs

Tags: Leopold von Sacher-Masoch

Men and women are natural enemies, like cat and dog--only more so. They are forced to live together for a time, or this wonderful race couldn't go on.



Tags: Neith Boyce

Marriage problems are relationship problems, they are the result of how two people interact with each other. You may abandon a troubled marriage, but you will still bring the way you interact with others along with you.


Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage

Tags: Mark Gungor

Marriage is primarily an economic arrangement, an insurance pact. It differs from the ordinary life insurance agreement only in that it is more binding, more exacting. Its returns are insignificantly small compared with the investments. In taking out an insurance policy one pays for it in dollars and cents, always at liberty to discontinue payments. If, however, woman's premium is her husband, she pays for it with her name, her privacy, her self-respect, her very life, "until death doth part." Moreover, the marriage insurance condemns her to life-long dependency, to parasitism, to complete uselessness, individual as well as social. Man, too, pays his toll, but as his sphere is wider, marriage does not limit him as much as woman. He feels his chains more in an economic sense.


"Marriage and Love", Anarchism and Other Essays

Tags: Emma Goldman

Marriage is for woman the commonest mode of livelihood, and the total amount of undesired sex endured by women is probably greater in marriage than in prostitution.


Marriage and Morals

In the New Testament a totally new concept of marriage is being introduced; it is directly dependent upon the "Good News" of the Resurrection which was brought to Christ. A Christian is called--already in this world--to experience new life, to become a citizen of the Kingdom; and he can do so in marriage. But then marriage ceases to be either a simple satisfaction of temporary natural urges, or a means for securing an illusory survival through posterity. It is a unique union of two beings in love, two beings who can transcend their own humanity and thus be united not only "with each other," but also "in Christ."


Marriage: An Orthodox Perspective

Tags: John Meyendorff