quotations about nuclear war

I really think that we can put the nuclear genie back in the bottle--or back in the lamp; which is how the story actually goes in "Tales of 1001 Nights". It may not be the same bottle or lamp the genie came out of, but we can still seal it away again. The weapons are a symptom of something deeper. It's not a biological need, like for food. It's a boundless desire for power. These days, we understand the destructiveness of nuclear weapons--and we can save ourselves or destroy ourselves with that knowledge.


attributed, Aftermath: The Remnants of War

I think it is possible for any society to survive, and I would think that a democratic society would want to survive.... Depending on how the nuclear war is fought, it could mean the difference between 150 million casualties and 20 million casualties. I think that is a significant difference, and if the country loses 20 million people, you may have a chance of surviving after that.... I think it is possible to win, in the classical sense.... It means that it is clear after the war that one side is stronger than the other side, the weaker side is going to accede to the demands of the stronger side.


attributed, With Enough Shovels: Reagan, Bush, and Nuclear War

Our world faces a crisis as yet unperceived by those possessing power to make great decisions for good or evil. The unleashed power of the atom has changed everything save our modes of thinking and we thus drift toward unparalleled catastrophe.


New York Times, May 25, 1946

Tags: Albert Einstein

It would end the current nuclear monarchy. Starting a nuclear war is the most consequential act any president can take and it is the least democratic process in our entire government.


"How Trump Could Start a Nuclear War and How We Can Stop Him", Huffington Post, August 24, 2017