quotations about retirement

It is well to retire from this world, to reflect on another.


attributed, Day's Collacon

Is retirement dead? It's a scary question, especially if you're currently working hard with hopes of kicking back, relaxing and enjoying spending your time anywhere but an office one day. But we think the answer is yes, traditional retirement is going away even if it hasn't died out completely quite yet.


"Traditional retirement is dead", CNBC, November 1, 2017

Saddest of all is when we see retirees putting their bucket list dreams on hold for a later time. This is not the best time of life to put your dreams on hold.


"Making the 'Great Transition' into retirement is a scary time for seniors", New York Daily News, January 27, 2016

Retirement has been a discovery of beauty for me. I never had the time before to notice the beauty of my grandkids, my wife, the tree outside my very own front door. And, the beauty of time itself.


The Gift of Age: Wit and Wisdom, Information and Inspiration for the Chronologically Endowed, and Those Who Will Be

I've got a sizeable retirement nest egg. It's an ostrich egg, and it's going to make an omelet so big that it'll produce enough leftovers for decades.


The Days of Yay are Here! Wake Me Up When They're Over

One final rule about retirement is that you need an actual plan, regardless of age, for how you'll spend your days. If your goal is to start a business, make sure it's a feasible idea, and start laying the groundwork before retirement so you're able to dive right in and stay occupied once you leave your primary job. If you're expecting to work part-time to not just cover your bills in retirement, but give yourself someplace to go during the day, do some research and make sure local businesses are hiring. Finally, if your goal is to enjoy your leisure time and not work at all, come up with a concrete list of things you actually want to do. Maybe you're hoping to travel, or take a class at your local community college. You're more likely to wind up content in retirement if you go in having already figured out what you'll be doing with all of that time.


"3 Rules for Picking the Perfect Retirement Age", The Motley Fool, November 10, 2017

The sign says, "families welcome"
At the Oaks Retirement Home
But mostly, no one comes 'cept on the weekends
Ruby Wilson lives in 303
Where she spends most her time
But it's almost noon on Sunday
And she's been sitting in the lobby since nine
She's all dressed up in her best hat and gloves
She's all dressed up
Watching and waiting, but nobody comes
Some days sure are lonely days
And time can move so slow
When you're all dressed up
With nowhere to go


"All Dressed Up"

I live in retirement now
And through my window comes the sound of seagulls
And sets my mind remembering
The evening stars like memories sail far
beyond the distant trees
Way out across the open seas
I hear them sing


"Old Admirals"

The idea of retirement is alien to me. When it gives you great joy to do something--in my case, make music--why on earth would you stop?


"Abba's Benny Andersson says idea of retirement is alien to him", Belfast Telegraph, October 28, 2017

When the evening of life is spent in retirement, consecrated and improved, a mild lustre usually gilds its close, and the memory of departed excellence is cherished by survivors with sentiments of profound veneration and high esteem.


attributed, Day's Collacon

I remind clients that retirement is not a finite point in time, it's the beginning of a 25-plus year time horizon.


"If you are getting ready to retire, don't let stock market volatility panic you", VC Star, November 23, 2017

Retirement is not a static event, fixed in time with a gold watch to mark it. Rather retirement -- if that is even the right word -- is a multidirectional process that can take many years.


Women Confronting Retirement

Tags: Alice Radosh

WARNING: Retired person on the premises. Knows everything and has plenty of time to tell it!


We think retirement could start to evolve. We expect to continue to see a shift away from the old-school, traditional idea of retirement in which people's days are filled with a lot of golf but not much else. Today's retirees and people who will retire in the next 10 and 20 years (and even farther into the future) are active and want to continue being productive in some way. That doesn't mean they keep working their same, full-time job until the end of time. But because they worked hard to build retirement savings and wealth over their working years, they're now free to explore other activities, jobs and positions without worrying about the number on the paycheck from their work.


"Traditional retirement is dead", CNBC, November 1, 2017

I don't have a retirement plan
Just a hundred acre piece of black dirt land
And a red tractor sittin' in the shed


"Plant the Seed"

In the wealthy nations of the world we face nothing less than a thorough redefinition of retirement. To be sure, people will continue to retire from their jobs. But ... retirement will no longer be the twilight of life, focused on rest, recreation, and recuperation; it will now be a time in which people will marshal their experience and intelligence to create entirely new lives for themselves.


Inevitable Surprises

Tags: Peter Schwartz

The man who looks forward to retirement when he can go fishing seven times a week, soon finds himself doing the dishes three times a day.


20,000 Quips & Quotes

The days grow longer for smaller prizes
I feel a stranger to all surprises
You can have them I don't want them
I wear a different kind of garment
In my rehearsals for retirement


"Rehearsals for Retirement"

When a man retires and time is no longer a matter of urgent importance, his colleagues generally present him with a watch.


Reader's Digest, Volume 67, 1955

Life begins at retirement.