quotations about women

I have always found the female of the human species many times more difficult to understand than the male.


No Longer Human

If women are expected to do the same work as men, we must teach them the same things.


The Republic

Tags: Plato

Let men tremble to win the hand of woman, unless they win along with it the utmost passion of her heart.


The Scarlet Letter

Tags: Nathaniel Hawthorne

Most of the women claimed to be emancipated and independent, as indeed they were in the sense that they were earning their own living. But they paid for it by the suppression of the mainsprings of their natures; fear of public opinion robbed them of love and intimate comradeship. It was pathetic to see how lonely they were, how starved for male affection, and how they craved children. Lacking the courage to tell the world to mind its own business, the emancipation of the women was frequently more of a tragedy than traditional marriage would have been. They had attained a certain amount of independence in order to gain their livelihood, but they had not become independent in spirit or free in their personal lives.


Living My Life

Tags: Emma Goldman

The government runs the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, so they must know a thing or two about satisfying women.


Stick to Drawing Comics, Monkey Brain!

Tags: Scott Adams

The successful woman has a secret. She's learned that she owes it to herself, her children, and the world to make the contribution she was born to make. She's learned to ask for advice and help, to insist on getting paid what she's worth, and to set boundaries at work and at home so that her needs get met, not trampled. She puts her dreams at the top of her priorities list, not at the bottom. She feels great about being recognized for her accomplishments, and she's totally OK with the fact that not everyone is going to like her when she stands up to those who would discount her or put her down.


Good Housekeeping, August 2010

There's a lot of pressure on women to fulfill certain fantasies. They expect you to be a little bit of a tart, to flirt with all the men. A lot of women do it. But I'm not doing that. I talk with these guys about their wives and kids right away. When they say inappropriate things, I let them, because boys will be boys, but I'm not looking to participate in their conversations.


Marie Claire Magazine, March 2008

Tags: Jessica Alba

Very handsome women have usually far less sensibility to compliments than their less beautiful sisters.


Intuitions and Summaries of Thought

When my son said, "I can't stop thinking about girls," I said, "That's not gonna stop. Congratulations. You're in the club. From now until the day you die, one way or another you'll be thinking about girls."


Good Housekeeping, June 2011

Tags: Paul Reiser

When women love, they forgive everything, even our crimes; when they do not love, they cannot forgive anything, not even our virtues.


The Muse of the Department

Woman loves or hates: she knows no middle course.


The Moral Sayings of Publilius Syrus

Women and music should never be dated.


She Stoops to Conquer

Tags: Oliver Goldsmith

Women are like those blinkin' little Greek islands, places to call at but not to stay.


"The Great Unimpressionable", The Golden Windmill and Other Stories

Tags: Stacy Aumonier

Women are so sensitive, darling. They have to be. They have to be aware what a man wants, what their children want. They have antennae all over them, whiskers of feeling. And unfortunately that has a down side. It means they get hurt.


Hunting the Shadows

Tags: Tanith Lee

Women, you overheated dipsomaniacs, never passing up a chance to wangle a drink, a great boon to bartenders but a bane to us--not to mention our crockery and our woolens!


Women at the Thesmophoria

Tags: Aristophanes

A great social success is a pretty girl who plays her cards as carefully as if she were plain.


letter to "Scottie", November 18, 1938

Tags: F. Scott Fitzgerald

A high degree of intellectual refinement in the female is the surest pledge society can have for the improvement of the male.



A man who admires a fine woman, has yet not more reason to wish himself her husband, than one who admired the Hesperian fruit, would have had to wish himself the dragon that kept it.


"Thoughts on Various Subjects"

Tags: Alexander Pope

According to usage and conventions which are at last being questioned but have by no means been overcome, the social presence of a woman is different in kind from that of a man. A man's presence is dependent upon the promise of power which he embodies.... A man's presence suggests what he is capable of doing to you or for you. His presence may be fabricated, in the sense that he pretends to b capable of what he is not. But the pretence is always towards a power which he exercises on others. By contrast, a woman's presence expresses her own attitude to herself, and defines what can and cannot be done to her.


Ways of Seeing

Tags: John Berger

In oranges and women courage is often mistaken for insanity.


Iron Jawed Angels

Tags: courage