quotations about apathy
Beneath our communal apathy is the burbling outrage of students, parents and teachers, all searching for someone to blame. In our frustration we pass responsibility onto one another and are surprised when nothing changes.
"Franklin County graduation rates are a symptom", Tallahassee Democrat, March 5, 2016
Apathy is the great requisite for the station; for woe betide the wretch who fancies any modicum of zeal.
Homeward Bound; Or, The Chase
Apathy is never positive, and rarely harmless. To be apathetic is to be dispirited, empty of feeling. In its more extreme forms, it is a living death.
Deadly Sins and Saving Virtues
For teachers, student apathy can be heartbreaking and frustrating, especially when a child or adolescent possesses all of the intellect and skills needed to do well. Often times, there seems to be little correlation with ability and apathy. In my classroom, both gifted students and struggling students could show apathy. I found that digging deeper and making a personal connection with the student helped tremendously, but it also took strategic instructional planning.
"How to motivate apathetic students", Asheville Citizen-Times, February 29, 2016
Apathy is our enemy. We want to make sure that everybody knows that every vote is important.
"Hillary Clinton wins SC Democratic primary Saturday", WSOC TV, February 28, 2016
And of course apathy is alive and well every election when more people choose to stay home instead of voting.
"'Trump Movement' is not hard to understand", The Southern Illinoisan, March 10, 2016
Apathy is the direct opposite of energy; and while it is an all-year-round disease, it is most prevalent in the hot months of July, August and September.
The Magazine of Wall Street, Aug. 21, 1920
In my better moments, I think of apathy as purpose's sleep. In my worse moments, when I'm trying to fix it or get rid of it, I call it feeling lazy, depressed, or useless.
I Will Not Die an Unlived Life
Large scale apathy is a poison for democracy and leads to a loss of government accountability, so increased voter turn-out is essential. People tend to gain interest as they age, and student apathy is definitely not a new issue. Local elections are a great way to start, because they have local immediate personal impact and are often decided by hundreds instead of hundreds of thousands of votes.
"Final day of early voting hits campus community", University of Tennessee Daily Beacon, February 23, 2016
Apathy is the capitulation of personhood, the refusal to grow, to become who we really are. It is the ultimate cop-out -- the insistence that things will never change, so why should we.
Cultural Addiction: The Greenspirit Guide to Recovery
It's enthusiasm, not apathy, that makes the world go 'round.
Apathy is merely a learned behavior, a habit that can be changed.
"How to motivate apathetic students", Asheville Citizen-Times, February 29, 2016
Apathy -- not hate -- is the opposite of love. It is this apathy that leads first to the death of the psyche, and in its extreme form to the death of the body.
The Dark Side of Love
What about our alleged political apathy? Is that harder to disprove? There is a decent chunk of evidence that suggests young people are generally disinterested in elections. One study found that 24 per cent of young people didn't identify with any particular political party, compared to 7 per cent of older voters. But I don't think research showing young people are disengaged from the formal political process, and feel alienated from political parties, automatically means they don't care about key political issues. Polls regularly show that young people support progressive political change on key issues like marriage equality by a much higher margin than older Australians. The same pattern exists when looking at issues like action on climate change and our treatment of refugees. The biggest political advocacy organisation in the country, GetUp! is full of young, passionate campaigners striving to make a difference. Young people care about issues that affect them, like housing and education, as well as social justice issues that are about making the country a fairer place to live.
"Let's stop the Millennial bashing", SBS, March 10, 2016
Apathy is a risk-aversion strategy.
Risk and Technological Culture
It's a disease. Nobody thinks or feels or cares any more; nobody gets excited or believes in anything except their own comfortable little God damn mediocrity.
Revolutionary Road
What is called "apathy" is, I believe, a feeling of helplessness on the part of the ordinary citizen, a feeling of impotence in the face of enormous power. It's not that people are apathetic; they do care about what is going on, but don't know what to do about it, so they do nothing, and appear to be indifferent.
Huffington Post, Jan. 28, 2010
Apathy is a dangerous habit, and history is its greatest testimony.
"Political Incorrectness", Huffington Post, February 19, 2016
Mental apathy is stoicism, a calmness of mind incapable of being ruffled by pleasure, pain, or passion.
attributed, Day's Collacon
Unless Bangladeshis shun political apathy, doctors fight for journalists and truck drivers; engineers defend garment factory workers' rights; professionals fight for equal opportunities for all; men fight for women, and women for men; rich fight for the poor, and poor for the rich, the country will remain politically inert, socially backward, and economically stagnant without any rule of law and equity. I believe political apathy is the mother of all evils in Bangladesh. There's hardly anything in life beyond politics. We're all related to each other in power perspective.
"Political Violence, 'Rational Ignorance', And 'Political Illiteracy' In Bangladesh", Counter Currents, February 29, 2016