quotations about apathy

Apathy quote

Slums may well be breeding-grounds of crime, but middle-class suburbs are incubators of apathy and delirium.


The Unquiet Grave

Tags: Cyril Connolly

Ask a politician a blunt question, and chances are you'll never quite get a real answer. Say the truth loud and clear, and you'll probably become a pariah of sorts.... You see, our country is battling an intellectual illness termed political correctness; a social and political trend that Wilbur Smith deems "the worst form of censorship" because "you're not allowed to speak your mind...." It's a dangerous mask for apathy, a validation for the corruption and immorality in this upside down world. All in all, it hinders our growth as a nation and impedes the very foundations on which this country was built: freedom of speech, justice, and progressive change.


"Political Incorrectness", Huffington Post, February 19, 2016

The current apathy is a recipe for more apathy.


"Chuck Sweeny: Rebranding Freeport for future growth", Freeport Journal Standard, February 28, 2016

Mental apathy is stoicism, a calmness of mind incapable of being ruffled by pleasure, pain, or passion.


attributed, Day's Collacon

I am not a victim. I am alive, wide awake and free from the numbness of apathy.


Daily Affirmations

Tags: Rokelle Lerner

For teachers, student apathy can be heartbreaking and frustrating, especially when a child or adolescent possesses all of the intellect and skills needed to do well. Often times, there seems to be little correlation with ability and apathy. In my classroom, both gifted students and struggling students could show apathy. I found that digging deeper and making a personal connection with the student helped tremendously, but it also took strategic instructional planning.


"How to motivate apathetic students", Asheville Citizen-Times, February 29, 2016

Apathy is our enemy. We want to make sure that everybody knows that every vote is important.


"Hillary Clinton wins SC Democratic primary Saturday", WSOC TV, February 28, 2016

Even extreme grief may ultimately vent itself in violence--but more generally takes the form of apathy.


Heart of Darkness

Tags: Joseph Conrad, grief

Apathy is the direct opposite of energy; and while it is an all-year-round disease, it is most prevalent in the hot months of July, August and September.


The Magazine of Wall Street, Aug. 21, 1920

Tags: anonymous, summer

Apathy is a dangerous habit, and history is its greatest testimony.


"Political Incorrectness", Huffington Post, February 19, 2016

No, it's a sign of the democracy that's anemic. It's a sign that people just know the system is rigged. It's a sign that they know big money dictates and shapes the destiny of the government and the society. Unfortunately, the dominant response is one of staying away rather than trying to participate and reshape it. So we can understand, in a certain sense, the apathy, but the apathy is in no way justified. We've got to participate, not just in the ballot box, but, as Sister Melina says, we've got to hit the streets. We've got--we have to have organizing and mobilizing and have to be willing to go to jail. And some of us, actually, have to be willing to die.


"Bernie, Hillary or Revolution in the Streets? Cornel West, Dolores Huerta & Black Lives Matter Debate", Democracy Now, March 9, 2016

In sullen apathy neither true wisdom nor true happiness can be found.


attributed, Day's Collacon

Tags: wisdom, happiness

Our political apathy is the only reason a candidate so brash and callous could make headlines day after day. Grown adults smirked and shook their heads as young people turned to comedy for their news, as if the degradation of democracy by our parents' complacency was not the primary reason for our distrust of the media. These are the same young people who, in turn, reduced political discourse to memes and clickbait, making an instant celebrity of any public figure capable of eliciting the sort of shock needed to garner attention in a 24/7 media orgy of reality TV and journalistic sensationalism.


"The Donald we deserve", America Blog, March 10, 2016

Many of the policies promoted at the local level are often very technical, which makes it quite easy to get lost in the details as research about policies are being done, and this technical nature of these policies is another reason why many voters tend to sit out these local elections. Their apathy is rational, not ignorant. If people are unable to understand the details of a given policy issue, it would be rational for them to not pay attention to local politics at all, but I am imploring people to not take this approach. Learning about these issues can be tough, but local politics is where the impact of your vote is the most palpable. You can see the new sidewalk being built; you can see the new textbooks your school has received; you can see a library being built for your community. These are just some of the benefits of being cognizant of your local politics.


"Trump isn't the only one you should pay attention to", Vanderbilt Hustler, February 24, 2016

It's enthusiasm, not apathy, that makes the world go 'round.



Tags: Tony Alessandra

Beneath our communal apathy is the burbling outrage of students, parents and teachers, all searching for someone to blame. In our frustration we pass responsibility onto one another and are surprised when nothing changes.


"Franklin County graduation rates are a symptom", Tallahassee Democrat, March 5, 2016

Apathy is the greatest withholder of peace.


"Apathy is the biggest challenge to peace, says Nobel Peace Laureate Betty Williams", XPress Dubai, December 16, 2015

Apathy borders upon folly.


attributed, Day's Collacon

Tags: Publilius Syrus

No one seems to care about apathy. There's a lack of interest, probably because it doesn't seem important. The general consensus is it's nothing to get emotional about. Let's face it, people are apathetic about apathy.


"Games show that sometimes we still care", Mail Media, February 21, 2016

Apathy is the capitulation of personhood, the refusal to grow, to become who we really are. It is the ultimate cop-out -- the insistence that things will never change, so why should we.


Cultural Addiction: The Greenspirit Guide to Recovery