quotations about artificial intelligence

Almost every time people have played with the idea of an AI and what it will look like, and what it means for it to be scary, it's been tremendously anthropomorphized. You have this thing -- it comes, it walks at you, and it sounds like you're probably going to die, or it made it very clear that there's some chance your life is in jeopardy. The thing that scares me the most about that is not the likelihood that in the next five years something like this will happen to us, but the likelihood that it will not. Over the course of the next five years, as companies continue to get better and better at building these technologies, the public at large will not understand what it is that is being done with their data, what they're giving away, and how they should be scared of the ways that AI is already playing in and with their lives and information.


"How science fiction is training us to ignore the real threats posed by AI", The Verge, June 20, 2018

What's undeniable is how the possibility of AI stirs the imagination of the public. This is evident in the science fiction and entertainment we consume. We may have strong AI in a couple of years, or it might take a couple of centuries. What's certain is that we're unlikely to ever give up on the pursuit.


"The Future of Artificial Intelligence", Hackaday, February 13, 2017

Sci-fi loves to depict military AIs as malign killer minds or robots. But the truth is more subtle and more terrifying -- and it's happening right now.


"Artificial intelligence is about to revolutionise warfare. Be afraid", New Scientist, September 12, 2018

We need to be super careful with AI. Potentially more dangerous than nukes.


Twitter post, August 2, 2014

If there is a way of guaranteeing that superior artificial intellects will never harm human beings, then such intellects will be created. If there is no way to have such a guarantee, then they will probably be created nevertheless.


attributed, "The superhero of artificial intelligence: can this genius keep it in check?", The Guardian, February 16, 2016

The attribution of intelligence to machines, crowds of fragments, or other nerd deities obscures more than it illuminates. When people are told that a computer is intelligent, they become prone to changing themselves in order to make the computer appear to work better, instead of demanding that the computer be changed to become more useful.


You Are Not a Gadget: A Manifesto

Tags: machines

Artificial Intelligence is a two-edged sword. On the one hand, it allows us to create intelligent artifacts with human-like perception and cognition. On the other hand, it accelerates people's heavy dependence on artifacts.


Artificial Intelligence: An International Perspective

In our own time, AI is spreading into all the various spheres of our lives, and there is tension and great concern about its impact. We are confused by dueling claims that AI will eliminate jobs or create new ones; that it will eliminate bias or perpetuate it and make it harder to identify; that it will lead us to longer, happier lives -- or to extinction.


"Artificial intelligence is forcing us to work harder to define human intelligence -- and to fight to defend it", recode, December 19, 2017

We can't really predict what might happen next because superintelligent A.I. may not just think faster than humans, but in ways that are completely different. It may have motivations -- feelings, even -- that we cannot fathom. It could rapidly solve the problems of aging, of human conflict, of space travel. We might see a dawning utopia. Or we might see the end of the universe.


"How humans will lose control of artificial intelligence", The Week Magazine, April 2, 2017

The intelligence of AI is often interpreted as mirroring human capabilities, but the scale of data potentially ... places analysis well beyond human capabilities.


"Why Artificial Intelligence is the answer to the greatest threat of 2017, cyber-hacking", The Independent, January 9, 2017

As soon as it works, no-one calls it AI anymore.


attributed, Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies

The key issue as to whether or not a non-biological entity deserves rights really comes down to whether or not it's conscious.... Does it have feelings?


USA Today, Aug. 19, 2007

Tags: Ray Kurzweil

If Artificial Intelligence really has little to do with computer technology and much more to do with abstract principles of mental organization, then the distinctions among AI, psychology, and even philosophy of mind seem to melt away. One can study those basic principles using tools and techniques from computer science, or with the methods of experimental psychology, or in traditional philosophical terms--but it's the same subject in each case. Thus a grand interdisciplinary marriage seems imminent; indeed, a number of enthusiasts have already taken the vows. For their new "unified" field, they have coined the name cognitive science. If you believe the advertisements, Artificial Intelligence and psychology, as well as parts of philosophy, linguistics, and anthropology, are now just "subspecialties" within one coherent study of cognition, intelligence, and mind--that is, of symbol manipulation.


Artificial Intelligence: The Very Idea

Tags: John Haugeland

Artificial General Intelligence will revolutionize humanity, its application determines if this is going to be a positive or negative impact; this is much in the same way that splitting the atom is seen as a double-edged sword.


"The Future of Artificial Intelligence", Hackaday, February 13, 2017

Machine learning and artificial intelligence are the keys to just about every aspect of life in the very near future: every sector, every business. If you run a business, its future depends on your ability to generate data about its activities, data that can then be fed into algorithms.


"Right Now, Artificial Intelligence Is The Only Thing That Matters", Forbes, July 13, 2016

Making AI safe for humanity may turn out to be the same as making our society safe for humanity.


"Exploring the risks of artificial intelligence", Tech Crunch, March 21, 2016

Our intelligence is what makes us human, and AI is an extension of that quality.


attributed, "The Robots Are Already Taking Over", Paste Magazine, January 12, 2017

Successes have created an AI halo effect that gives a reflected shine to any tech company that invokes the concept of artificial intelligence. This, in turn, can lead to breathless coverage that inflates the significance of what is often, at heart, just data analytics, or a Wi-Fi connection.


"No, this toothbrush doesn't have artificial intelligence", The Verge, January 4, 2017

If we have very powerful AI systems, it's crucial that their goals are aligned with our goals. We don't want to create machines, which are first very excited about helping us, and then later get as bored with us as kids get with Legos.


"Life 3.0 - Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence", Future of Life Institute, August 29, 2017

If computing power maps to intelligence -- a big "if," some have argued -- we've only so far built technology on par with an insect brain. In a few years, maybe we'll overtake a mouse brain. Around 2025, some predictions go, we might have a computer that's analogous to a human brain: a mind cast in silicon. After that, things could get weird. Because there's no reason to think artificial intelligence wouldn't surpass human intelligence, and likely very quickly. That superintelligence could arise within days, learning in ways far beyond that of humans.


"How humans will lose control of artificial intelligence", The Week Magazine, April 2, 2017