quotations about artificial intelligence

Currently, all evidence points that Al is not intelligent as the ordinary citizen has been made to believe. It all depends on the content that humans feed the machines.


"Just how Artificial is Artificial Intelligence?", TrendinTech, December 16, 2016

Do we need to worry about the runaway "artificial general intelligence" that goes out of control and takes over the world? Yes -- but perhaps not for another 15 or 20 years. There are justified fears that rather than being told what to learn and complementing our capabilities, AIs will start learning everything there is to learn and know far more than we do. Though some people, such as futurist Ray Kurzweil, see us using AI to evolve together, others, such as Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking, fear that AI will usurp us. We really don't know where all this will go.


"After many years, artificial intelligence is finally here", Newsday, July 4, 2016

The science of machine learning is largely experimental because no universal learning algorithm exists--none can enable the computer to learn every task it is given well. Any knowledge-acquisition algorithm needs to be tested on learning tasks and data specific to the situation at hand, whether it is recognizing a sunset or translating English into Urdu. There is no way to prove that it will be consistently better across the board for any given situation than all other algorithms.


"Machines Who Learn", Scientific American, June 2016

It does not matter how fast the computer is, how much memory it has, or how complex and high-level the programming language. The Jeopardy and Chess playing champs Watson and Deep Blue fundamentally work the same as your microwave. Put simply, a strict symbol-processing machine can never be a symbol-understanding machine.


"A neuroscientist explains why artificially intelligent robots will never have consciousness like humans", Raw Story, March 31, 2016

Artificial intelligence is capable of many things, and now it looks like AI could potentially given screenwriters a run for their money. There is a movie that has been launched on Kickstarter called Impossible Things, and while movies seeking funding isn't exactly new, what makes this project so unique is that the script was co-written by AI.


"'Impossible Things' is a Movie Written by Artificial Intelligence'", Ubergizmo, July 26, 2016

Artificial intelligence is OK at a distance. Up close and personal, however, the lack of a human face counts more and more.


"How much should we fear the rise of artificial intelligence?", The Guardian, March 18, 2016

Nowadays, we have computers performing tasks that require the equivalent of human intelligence. Back in the day it was thought that this would require a certain type of processing: a deep semantic representation of meaning and complex inference. It turns out that sheer brute force data analytics cuts the mustard just as well.


"Artificial intelligence is dead: long live data analytics", The Irish Times, July 28, 2016

Google's work in artificial intelligence ... includes deep neural networks, networks of hardware and software that approximate the web of neurons in the human brain. By analyzing vast amounts of digital data, these neural nets can learn all sorts of useful tasks, like identifying photos, recognizing commands spoken into a smartphone, and, as it turns out, responding to Internet search queries. In some cases, they can learn a task so well that they outperform humans. They can do it better. They can do it faster. And they can do it at a much larger scale.


"AI is transforming Google Search -- The rest of the Web is next", Wired, February 4, 2016

Whether sophisticated AI turns out to be friend or foe, we must come to grips with the possibility that as we move further into the 21st century, the greatest intelligence on the planet may be silicon-based.


"The Problem of AI Consciousness", Kurzweil Accelerating Intelligence, March 18, 2016

Artificial intelligence is fueled by data. Pick an approach, and you'll find data at the center. Why? Because large volumes of complete data sets are needed to accurately recognize significant patterns of behavior with people, events or other characterizations, and that's what AI is all about.


"Big Data, Small Target: The Smart Approach To Artificial Intelligence", Forbes, January 16, 2018

Human beings, viewed as behaving systems, are quite simple. The apparent complexity of our behavior over time is largely a reflection of the complexity of the environment in which we find ourselves.


The Sciences of the Artificial

Tags: environment

Thanks to AI, the face will be the new credit card, the new driver's license and the new barcode.


"8 ways artificial intelligence is going to change the way you live, work and play in 2018", CNBC, January 5, 2018

The AI that I know is a branch of computational mathematics. That's really all there is to it: math. And it's not even that difficult. Compared with the equations of theoretical physics, which is what my university thesis was on, computational math is not that complicated. It was basically invented in 1936 by Turing, so it is only 80 years old. But look how it has changed the world.


"Why Everything Elon Musk Fears About AI Is Wrong", PC Mag, June 19, 2018

Tags: mathematics

When people talk about the future of technology, especially artificial intelligence, they very often have the common dystopian Hollywood-movie model of us versus the machines. My view is that we will use these tools as we've used all other tools--to broaden our reach. And in this case, we'll be extending the most important attribute we have, which is our intelligence.


"Reinvent Yourself", Playboy, April 19, 2016

Tags: Ray Kurzweil

As we deploy more and give more responsibilities to artificial agents, risks of malfunction that have negative consequences are increasing.


"Exploring the risks of artificial intelligence", Tech Crunch, March 21, 2016

Unlike any other human invention, AI has the potential to reshape humanity, but it could also destroy us.


"Everything You Know About Artificial Intelligence is Wrong", Gizmodo, March 14, 2016

AI, which will likely get to AGI (artificial general intelligence) by being programmed to self-improve, wouldn't see "human-level intelligence" as some important milestone--it's only a relevant marker from our point of view--and wouldn't have any reason to "stop" at our level.... It's pretty obvious that it would only hit human intelligence for a brief instant before racing onwards to the realm of superior-to-human intelligence.


"The AI Revolution: The Road to Superintelligence", Wait But Why, January 22, 2015

Tags: intelligence

The main lesson of thirty-five years of AI research is that the hard problems are easy and the easy problems are hard. The mental abilities of a four-year-old that we take for granted -- recognizing a face, lifting a pencil, walking across a room, answering a question -- in fact solve some of the hardest engineering problems ever conceived.... As the new generation of intelligent devices appears, it will be the stock analysts and petrochemical engineers and parole board members who are in danger of being replaced by machines. The gardeners, receptionists, and cooks are secure in their jobs for decades to come.


The Language Instinct

Tags: Steven Pinker

The next innovations will come through artificial intelligence. From then on, it will be the AI innovating. We need to think about our role as technologists and we need to think about the ramifications--positive and negative--and we need to transform ourselves as innovators.


attributed, "United Nations CITO: Artificial intelligence will be humanity's final innovation", Tech Republic, February 19, 2016

The rise of smart machines is unlike any other technological revolution because what is ultimately at stake here is the very idea of humanness -- we may be on the verge of creating a new life form, one that could mark not only an evolutionary breakthrough, but a potential threat to our survival as a species.


"Inside the Artificial Intelligence Revolution: A Special Report, Pt. 1", Rolling Stone, February 29, 2016