quotations about writing

He that writes to himself, writes to an eternal public.


Diamond Dust

Tags: Eliza Cook

Write books only if you are going to say in them the things you would never dare confide to anyone.


The Trouble with Being Born

Tags: Emil Cioran

Writing the first chapter can feel like you're trying to artificially inseminate a stampeding mastodon with one hand duct taped to your leg. That's okay. That's normal. Do it and get through it.


"25 Things to Know about Writing the First Chapter of Your Novel", Terrible Minds

Tags: Chuck Wendig

Writers cannot let themselves be servants of the official mythology. They have to, whatever the cost, say what truth they have to say.


Continuum, summer 1998

Tags: Tobias Wolff

To write weekly, to write daily, to write shortly, to write for busy people catching trains in the morning or for tired people coming home in the evening, is a heartbreaking task for men who know good writing from bad. They do it, but instinctively draw out of harm's way anything precious that might be damaged by contact with the public, or anything sharp that might irritate its skin.


The Common Reader

Madness is terrific I can assure you, and not to be sniffed at; and in its lava I still find most of the things I write about. It shoots out of one everything shaped, final, not in mere driblets, as sanity does.



Tags: Virginia Woolf

Everybody wants to feel that you're writing to a certain demographic because that's good business, but I've never done that ... I tried to write stories that would interest me. I'd say, what would I like to read?... I don't think you can do your best work if you're writing for somebody else, because you never know what that somebody else really thinks or wants.


Brandweek, May 2000

At the age of fourteen I discovered writing as an escape from a world of reality in which I felt acutely uncomfortable.


foreword, Sweet Bird of Youth

Tags: Tennessee Williams

There's something paralyzing about being a writer that you have to escape.... The 26 letters distance us from our own hesitations and they make us sound as if we know what we're doing. We know grammar, we know prose, but actually we're all just struggling in the dark, really.


interview, Interview Magazine, September 16, 2013

Tags: Nicholson Baker

Any writer, in whatever form, must first pass through the stage of being a reader. It is unimaginable that someone could become a writer without first being a reader. Only a daydreamer who had fallen into an unhealthy idealism could exoticize a writer in this way. Such misperception is similar to believing that thought is possible without language.


The Frontier Within

Tags: Kobo Abe

So nothing will ever be written down again. Perhaps the act of writing is necessary only when nothing happens.


The Face of Another

Tags: Kobo Abe

In writing, as in speaking, less is more. When you are editing -- which should be immediately after you finish the writing for one session and again at least a day or more after you finished it -- look over the piece with a critical eye and cut, cut, cut.


"The art of writing", The News on Sunday, March 11, 2017

In the end, the secret of writing is to be a tortoise, not a hare.


"Novelist explains how psychology training honed his writing", USC News, February 25, 2016

I write a sentence a thousand times, changing it all the time to look at it in different ways.


The Paris Review, summer 1993

Tags: Fran Lebowitz

If people did not want their stories told, it would be better for them to keep away from me.


A Story Teller's Story

Tags: Sherwood Anderson

I compelled myself all through to write an exercise in verse, in a different form, every day of the year. I turned out my page every day, of some sort--I mean I didn't give a damn about the meaning, I just wanted to master the form--all the way from free verse, Walt Whitman, to the most elaborate of villanelles and ballad forms. Very good training. I've always told everybody who has ever come to me that I thought that was the first thing to do.


interview, The Paris Review, winter-spring 1968

Well, there are certain stock words that I have found myself using a great deal. When I become aware of them, it is an alarm signal meaning I am falling back on something that has served in the past--it is a sign of not thinking at the present moment, not that there is anything intrinsically bad about certain words or phrases.


interview, The Paris Review, winter 1983

Tags: John Ashbery

Well, when I was a young writer the people we read were Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Sartre, Camus, Celine, Malraux. And to begin with, I was a bit of a copycat writer and very derivative and tried to write a novel using their voices, really.... I keep it out of print.


interview, Brick 81, 1989

Why write it? I thought it would earn me money.


interview, Fantasy & Science Fiction, December 18, 2012

As a writer -- it must be the same for actors -- you're used to dealing with the idea of death and all the big questions. Unless you're writing purely for five-year-olds, about bunnies, you're going to have to think about death. Your characters will die and people will live on afterwards who cared about them. You need to be able to empathise with them. Of course, we all go through it; we all have people close to us die. But as a writer you really have to think it through properly, or it'll all ring false. It's almost one of the perks of the trade that you're forced to think about that stuff fairly deeply. So maybe when it comes along in real life, you're slightly better prepared to deal with it.


"Iain Banks: The Final Interview", The Guardian, June 14, 2013